Wednesday, January 16, 2013

One of my fave new bloggers on guns and love

My little brother introduced me to Katie Kieffer a few months ago.  I don't drop in as much as I plan to in the future.  With all the gun debate and after watching Obama spout on about background checks like they're his cool, new idea, I decided to share Guns and Love.

I visited the issue of teachers and guns in Feb 2009 in an article for the Knoxville News Sentinel.  A local blogger had put a piece in the paper about teachers carrying in school and it really bugged me.  I wrote The Things Teachers Carry in response for my bimonthly column.  That was 3 years ago. 

A thing or two have changed, but I agree with Katie.  She is definitely worth a read!


  1. I checked out the Blog, very interesting read..Thanks for sharing..

  2. I agree with what you said in "The Things Teachers Carry" -- most teachers, like me, wouldn't want to carrry a gun at school. Great post.
